
The Basement — where Alcoholics go to be Alcoholics

The basement wasn’t just a place in our house, it was an interloper in our home. The basement is where my husband went to be an alcoholic. So pervasive was this space, that the basement feels like a character in my book, Bottles in the Basement: Surviving an Alcoholic—a Memoir. A place can be as powerful as a person. Just as Manhattan wasn’t merely a backdrop to Sex and the City but a fifth character in the show, our basement played a part in our marriage. It was a conduit for Robert’s alcoholism, enabling him to hide his addiction. It was a wedge between us, providing an escape from our life together. It was the landscape of Robert’s rock bottom, cryptonite to our marriage, an expressway to death and widowhood.

Has your basement become a hiding place for the alcoholic in your life? Has it robbed you of your relationship?

Disgusting. Dangerous. Deadly. Read about the basement in my marriage.

Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback. #bottlesinthebasement #addiction #memoir #alcoholism

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